1-714-572-8000 info@computerlab.com

CLI Zero Client

Any processor, any case, choose your zero


The configuration that continues where the ET2000 left off.


Horizon kiosk that takes your users directly to their virtual desktop – simple setup, easy deployment.


CLI’s zero is built for HDX – one click and the user has instant access to their Citrix Xen desktop


All you need to do is turn on or reboot your zero client and your RDC connection is launched.  You’re right where you need to be!

The zero clients are Linux units with a preloaded added

Multiple Zero Client Options

CLI offers the zero option to fit your needs.  The thin client is configured for the application you choose – Microsoft RDP, Citrix Xen, VMWare Horizon or CLI’s TermPro.  Once the setup is completed for your enviornment the unit can be locked down to the users’ needs.  Then, the device boots to the application when powered on or from a restart.  Simple, easy to setup and lockdown so users are unable to alter the configuration.  Choose from CLI’s AG6601, AG7000, IA8600 and the JC7102 and we will lock the unit down so it is ready to plug and play!  Plus, you can mange your zero clients with CLI’s DevMan.  No server required – simply load on your PC or laptop and this powerful tool provides you the ability to manage your CLI zero client deployment.  Included with every CLI device, DevMan gives you the tools you need to centrally administer your devices.  Looking for something cloud based instead?  No problem!  CLI’s optional MCDM is our cloud based management tool.  This cloud based option also offers the capability to configure, manage and monitor your zero clients.  MCDM provides the flexibility to manage anytime, anywhere from any device.


Award Winning Support

USA based, with English as their first language, our team answers 92% of the calls and responds to 85% of web inquiries within a half an hour.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

warranty reports including device, serial number, expiration date; plus much more.  Our support specialists are far and away the best around.


(714) 572-8000




971 Claycraft Road
Columbus, OH 43230

Office Hours

M-F: 8am – 5pm
S-S: Closed