JR Series Thin Clients
The ruggedized thin client option offers the AMD Ryzen 1505G dual core/4 threads CPU.

The JR8800
is an ideal solution for versatile computing and office applications. With the Ryzen™ Embedded R-series Processor SoC featuring industry leading graphics performance high-performance “Zen” Dual-Core 4- Processor, the device provides both best computing & graphic performance ready for most VDI With a dedicated GPU, it delivers an unparallel graphics performance for up to four simultaneous 4K
displays. All of these features are packed in metal chassis with no moving parts and fanless design, which meet the ever-growing needs of computing in the future.
AMD Ryzen™ Embedded R1505G Processor
AMD Radeon™ Vega 3 Graphics
Three Digital Video , Playback up to
Pre-installed Server / VDI Access Clients:
Microsoft Remote Desktop Client
Citrix View Client
VMware Horizon Client
SupportsZero Modefor the ease of operations.
Built-in Agent for Cloud-base Remote &
Centralized Management: DevManfrom LAN /
Intranet and MCDM from Cloud / Internet.
Multiple Mounting Options.
Energy Efficient, Robust Feature Set, Maximum
High Performance
– Universal Client That Fits All Type of Needs
– Boosted Productivity with Smooth Server Access
– Perfect User Experience with Both Smooth
Display and Fast/Responsive
-Choice of Operating System from Microsoft
Windows 10 IoT, or
-Choice of Application Software
of Ubuntu (Linux OS)
– Cost Saving from Low Power Consumption
– Zero Mode support to reduce IT Labor from
Deployment, Trouble Shooting and Management
We have the options
Need to deploy a number of units? CLI will work with you to have your image preloaded on each unit to help the deployment run seemlessly.
Device Management
We also have options in
Each CLI Thin Client comes with our device managment known as DevMan. We now offer a hosted cloud device management known as MCDM. Regardless of the option chosen you will find it to be an easy yet powerful tool.
Columbus, OH 43230
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